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LEAD Northern Cincinnati 2022

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LEAD Northern Cincinnati 2022

Event Summary

Mar 15, 2022
8:30 am
LEAD Northern Cincinnati logo

View the LEAD flyer

Introducing LEAD Northern Cincinnati 2022!
Full Day Monthly Sessions, In-Person, 3rd Tuesdays, begin March 15 - Nov. 15

Leadership training results in training and empowering your employees! We will explore why leadership is much more than a position or job title. Let us help you develop ethical, effective leaders at every level of your organization, from new hires to CEOs. 

LEAD Northern Cincinnati utilizes proven and impactful methods. Experiential activities allow participants to engage and develop leadership skills and behaviors, to deepen their understanding of personal and team strengths, and to build a network of important relationships and contacts.

Why Invest in Leadership Development?

  • Are you interested in increasing your own leadership potential?
  • Will increasing the number of effective leaders in your organization free up time for you to pursue growing your business?
  • Is it time to invest in your staff and put their strengths to work?

LEAD Northern Cincinnati includes:

  • 3 Introductory virtual sessions, December through February
  • 8 Monthly, full-day sessions (CLICK HERE)
  • 7 One hour virtual Mirror & Windshield sessions, between full day sessions
  • Closes with a Commence to LEAD Celebration in November!
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